Debunking Top 5 Myths about Women’s Health

Debunking Top 5 Myths about Women’s Health

Women’s health has been shrouded in myths and misconceptions since the times known. It was after 1993 that women were included in clinical trials to understand how some drugs and devices worked for them. It’s also true that the health industry has spent years contributing to these myths along with the historical bias and certain policies working against women’s health. These are the reasons why, even in the digital age full of information, it’s hard to separate facts from fiction when it comes to women’s health. Here’s your guide to debunking the common myths concerning women’s health, be it related to your hormonal balance or bone health.

Myth #1 Hormonal imbalance is a concern only during menopause.

Hormonal imbalance occurs when you have too little or too much of one or more of the hormones. Stress, exercise, diet, or medical conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) can lead to an imbalance. So, it’s not the menopause alone. Although, the imbalance can be pronounced during puberty, pregnancy, menstruation, and menopause. It is essential to maintain a hormonal balance at every stage of your life since they regulate many bodily functions, from metabolism and mood to reproductive health, and thus an imbalance affects all these functions. 

Myth #2 A decline in libido with age is inevitable and irreversible.

Hormonal changes, medication, mental health, and relationship dynamics play significant roles in changes in libido. While it's true that libido can change with age, it’s not an inevitable decline, and there are ways to address it. Solutions include hormone therapy, counseling, lifestyle changes, and open communication with partners.

Myth #3 Osteoporosis is an unavoidable part of aging for women.

Osteoporosis is more common, especially post-menopause, but it is not inevitable. A healthy diet rich in calcium and vitamin D, and regular weight-bearing exercise can help you maintain and even improve bone density. Furthermore, you should avoid smoking and excessive alcohol. 

Myth #4 Gut health is not particularly important for women’s health.

Gut health is particularly more important for women since gut imbalances can lead to issues like bloating, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and even impact mental health due to the gut-brain connection. Apart from this, pathogens from the gut can contribute to vaginal dysbiosis (imbalance in vaginal microbiota leading to excessive vaginal discharge). A healthy gut will help in balancing microbiota and hormones, along with overall health. Apart from a balanced diet and regular exercise for a healthy gut, you should consider opting for natural probiotics like Truely Her which will further help you to maintain vaginal pH, prevent infections, and even improve PMS symptoms. 

Myth #5 Women Should Avoid Exercise During Menstruation

It might surprise you but exercising during menstruation is absolutely safe. In fact, it alleviates menstrual symptoms such as cramps and helps in regulating your hormones and mood. You can avoid high-intensity workouts and focus on medium to low-intensity aerobic exercises such as swimming and walking.

Apart from these, you should also know that,

  • Mood swings in women are NOT just a part of being "emotional" and should NOT be ignored.
  • Perimenopause and Menopause do NOT mark the end of a woman’s active and vibrant life.
  • Wearing a bra does NOT cause breast cancer
  • Lack of symptoms does NOT mean you cannot have Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI)
You do NOT need to see an OB/GYN until adulthood.
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